FAQs about info for blogsite
- Contact info... A Contact page has been set up. Each person must designate if your contact info can be posted on our site. Our site will have the ability to be publicly googled. If someone does not want to have their info posted but would like us to keep it to be contacted for upcoming events / info and posts ....please designate to keep info private. We will not post anyone's contact info unless we have been given specific permission to do so. Send your contact info to the pathfinder gmail address or click the link at the bottom of the blogsite and it will give an email format for you to send your info to us.
- Letters to the group... If you have a note you want to send to the group ......email it to the pathfinder email address and it will be put out on the next post. No schedule at this point for posts...
- Pictures... A Photo Gallery has been set up..... Send pictures to the pathfinder gmail address to be added to the gallery. This is how you do it. **Will be best ( and easiest for posts) if you attach picture files to your email and send to the pathfinder gmail address... If you do not have digital pictures (35 mm... basic jpg. picture file ) ... prints can be scanned and attached and sent to the pathfinder gmail. If you do not have a scanner go to Walmart, Walgreen's ( or a store like that who does it ) or a camera shop and they will do it for you for a reasonable price. They will put your pics on a CD which you can attach picture files from to an email. If that doesn't work for you, then contact me for an address to send the CD by USPS and we will post them for you. As a last resort...send by USPS ( contact me for address ) copies ( will not be returned ) of your prints ...and we will scan them and post them for you. Annotations along with pictures to explain them would be great.
- Memories... You can send Stories...memories...etc... Mail them to the pathfinder gmail address.
- In Memory of page to be created for those pathfinders of the group no longer with us.... We will begin to collect info ...and submissions will be appreciated.
- Special Events or Recognitions Birthdays....occasions...accolades... more info tba
- Bios... of each pathfinder of the group... as we get info...
- Reunion....hopefully to begin to organize for an upcoming reunion.
- Other links... If you know of other links of info that is pertinent for your group... agent orange..VA....benefits etc....please submit them.
- Comments. .... There is a place below each post for comments. They will not appear immediately as they will be sent for moderation.