How to Post and Browse this Site
I have received some calls and emails regarding being worried about how to post and browse this site. Hopefully this info will make it all easy. You do not have to know how to post. We will do it for you.
If you want to post a letter or say something to the group. Email whatever you want to say or post to me at these email addresses. BOTH email addresses will come to me. We will do it for you. You can click on them to email me.
- FAQs
There are also some great instructions for navigating this website by looking on the right hand side of the page.... You will see a panel and listed is
FAQs about info for blogsite.
Click on it and it will give you lots of info and tips.
- PHOTOS ....send them to me at the above email addresses and we will post them in the photo gallery for you.
is listed on the right side panel with the FAQs. There isn't alot right now because we need your pictures.. send them... FAQs tell you how...or just email or snail mail them to me... Need more and I will send instructions.
- CONTACT INFO .. send them to me in the above email addresses and we will post them...or keep them as a way to contact you with updates if you do not want them posted.
is on the right side panel with FAQs and PHOTOS
We need your participation to get this off the ground. It is ok to be a dinosaur as far as how this all works. I am too...but I am married to someone who does know that will get us going. This is just our group talking to each other so feel free to post.
fyi: commenting is completely different than posting... We do the posting. Commenting is for anyone to do... After each post...just click comment and it will show you how to do it.. Email the above addresses if you need help with that too...
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